Corona Virus Precautions
Corona Virus is Related to a Past Virus also named Corona Virus. That infection was called the SARS infection or MERS in 2013 In the middle east. Most of the Coronaviruses are very aggressive to disease people and turn into them and death rates are also high. Around 18 years ago when this disease was there 10% Of patients were died. 800-900 People died in this decease. Coronavirus which is currently going on in 2020 it's called 2019NCOV. It's a different Coronavirus, it is not acting like the older one. We could also give Vaccines to Treat patients but it would not work anymore in this disease. Corona Virus Precautions are given below please read carefully.
Corona Virus is Related to a Past Virus also named Corona Virus. That infection was called the SARS infection or MERS in 2013 In the middle east. Most of the Coronaviruses are very aggressive to disease people and turn into them and death rates are also high. Around 18 years ago when this disease was there 10% Of patients were died. 800-900 People died in this decease. Coronavirus which is currently going on in 2020 it's called 2019NCOV. It's a different Coronavirus, it is not acting like the older one. We could also give Vaccines to Treat patients but it would not work anymore in this disease.
- Keep distance from People who are sick at a minimum of three feet distance.
- Don't touch your mouth, nose, and eyes.
- Don't touch your mouth, nose, and eyes.
- Try to cover cough and use a tissue while sneezing.
- Always dispose of tissue safely. Keep in mind no one else uses it.
- you can also wear a mask but it mandatory only while you are caring for a sick person.
- It is highly recommended that if you are an infected person please wear a mask always.
- It is highly recommended that if you are an infected person please wear a mask always.
- Always wash hands after going to the bathroom and before eating.
- Always wash hands after going to the bathroom and before eating.
- fever, cough and difficulty breathing type of Problems are the symptoms of Coronavirus Meet Doctor Immediately.
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Sasikant · April 2, 2020 at 12:40 pm
Death date is unknown to everyone,so take care u at your own way than you all see nothing all are in danger signal.who can stay and who can cross the signal it has been.
saradababu · April 2, 2020 at 1:46 pm
Good information, Please give some more details about how to get rid off
Chandraknt · April 2, 2020 at 3:29 pm
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James Joseph · April 2, 2020 at 3:56 pm
We can assist the Covid 19 patients to recover faster and it is been done earlier in the case of sars, mers and H1N1.
For details contact me at 00965 66850243
Dr. K. S. Ananda Kumar. · April 3, 2020 at 6:21 pm
M/s. Bharat Biotech, is the firm managed by Dr. M. Krishna Ella. – He expressed that he will develop a vaccine against the virus within four months, if Govt. gives him some assistance. He is in the Vaccine preparation and Developments Division ,Business, for the last 20 years. I strongly suggest that the Govt of India contact him, and find out which type of assistance he needs from the Govt.,
Sorry. I have no website in my name.
[email protected] – Mobile:9989954221
tenzin · April 3, 2020 at 9:07 pm
thank you
yashvant · April 3, 2020 at 9:28 pm
Your mail contains precautions in which two precautions are repeated twice. Why? No one is there to check the proof reading of the mail ready to send to people. Looks very poor organisation. Pl remove me from listing.
yashvant · April 3, 2020 at 9:31 pm
Corona Virus Precautions
Your mail contains precautions in which two precautions are repeated twice. Why? No one is there to check the proof reading of the mail ready to send to people. Looks very poor organisation. Pl remove me from listing.Pl. Check it yourself.